School Governance Committee

School Governance Committee

School Governance Committee (SGC) members are interested members of the community, including parents of children at the school.

The current membership reflects a wide range of expertise and interest, and includes representation from parents; teaching staff and British Forces South Atlantic Islands.

We work with the Head Teacher and school staff to assist in making key decisions vital to the successful running of the school, contribute to decisions directly affecting the education and wellbeing of pupils, assist in improving standards throughout the school and monitor the school budget.

The SGC meets once a term as a whole committee to review and discuss school business, and represent the views of parents.

Main Roles:

Provide a strategic overview

Act as a Critical Friend

Ensure Accountability

We do not act as the first line for complaints about any aspect of the school and its day to day work. The school should be contacted directly either via the class teacher or Head Teacher.

Please note that SGCs in MOD schools vary in their activities compared to Governing bodies in the UK, where the Governors have greater executive responsibility in the management of schools including employment of staff.

Contact the SGC

If you would like to contact the SGC please email [email protected]

Current SGC Members

Chair – OC JFSU, Wng Cdr Dutton

Head Teacher – Mrs M Summers

Community – Mrs K Steen

Staff (Teacher) – Mrs M Hill

Safeguarding & SEND – Miss J Alindayu

Parent & Community- Mrs A Mudford

Parent & Stakeholders – Sqn Ldr Turner

H&S & Finance – Flt Lt Kavanagh-Hogg



SGC-Minutes 22/06/21

SGC Minutes 21/10/21

SGC Minutes 09/03/22

SGC Minutes 06/07/22

SGC Minutes 05/12/22

SGC Minutes 07/07/23

SGC Minutes 08/12/23

SGC Minutes 09/07/24