Welcome to Our School
We always look forward to welcoming new children to Mount Pleasant School and so hope to see you very soon. Hopefully this website will give you a flavour of all the great things we get up to and of all the exciting trips and events you will be part of when you join us.
We are the most southerly of Ministry of Defence (MOD) schools in the World. The number of children on roll tends to be in the mid thirties and the children are the sons and daughters of Service and MoD Civilians and, subject to JSP 342 regulations and admission criteria, entitled families and non entitled families posted to Mount Pleasant Complex on continuity tours.
Due to budget constraints and a civil service recruitment freeze from September 2024 Mount Pleasant Primary School will be running two class bases with Mrs Stobart (Headteacher) and Mrs Summers (Assistant Headteacher) offering bespoke teaching support and intervention.
The two class bases are as follows:
- Commerson Class base with Mrs Hill as teacher for our FS1, FS2 and KS1(years 1 and 2) children.
This is a class of 13 children with LSA support. In addition, this class base will be supported by Mrs Stobart who will lead some EYFS (FS1 & FS2) teaching sessions with further LSA support. These EYFS sessions will initially be three mornings a week.
- Orca Class base with Mr Moore for our KS2 (years 3, 4, 5 & 6) children.
The majority of the children will be in years 3 and 4 (our usual mixed class split). Mrs Summers will provide bespoke teaching and intervention support across the school.
From September 2024 we will not be able to offer two-year-old or three-year-old provision (Nursery).
We will be able to offer three-year-old provision (children need to be three by 31st August 2024) initially for three mornings a week.
The classes are considerably smaller than in the UK, they are led by experienced teachers who can personalise learning making the most of our unique environment.
Due to our small size, there will be times when the children work in whole school or mixed key stage groups, we can then ensure that the children receive bespoke and personalised learning and appropriate personal and social development support.
We regularly review class and school structure (at least termly) to ensure we provide the best possible education for your children with the staffing structure we have in place.
Prior to deciding on a posting, you are encouraged to discuss your education needs with the Headteacher by contacting the school office who will be happy to make a Teams appointment, to enable you to discuss this further.
The usual process for applying for a school place still applies which can be found here:
The usual MASO process would be followed as necessary see:
Further information about Defence Children Services and applying for school places can be found:
We are an open, friendly school and members of staff are always willing to talk to parents. We aim to educate the “whole person” and pupils will be encouraged to develop lively, enquiring minds, a sense of self-esteem and the self-discipline that comes from working in an orderly school environment.
How can I contact the school?
Mount Pleasant School
BFPO 655
Tel: 00 500 7 3191
e-mail: mps.office@modschools.org
website: www.mountpleasant.sceschools.com
MOD schools are intended, as far as possible, to provide the same pattern of education as that given in England.
Who can come to our school?
Pupils entitled to be educated at Mount Pleasant School are dependent primary school aged children of HM Forces or MOD UK Based Civilian personnel posted to Mount Pleasant on an accompanied tour. Contractors’ children may be admitted in accordance with MOD policy, mostly outlined in JSP 342.
What are the school times?
08:45 School starts
12:00-13:00 Lunchtime
15:15 School ends
School starts at 08:45
All children enter school via the main entrance and are welcomed into school by the Head. All children have a locker to store their outdoor wear and bags.
A member of EYFS will welcome EYFS children into school at the main entrance.
Class teachers and LSAs will welcome children into class and help them to settle quickly.
Assembly / LSA Break Time is from 10:15 to 10:30
At this time we have an assembly timetable for Y1 to Y6 and teachers take it in turn to lead assembly, for example:
Tuesday – Topical / News-led
Wednesday – Singing
Thursday – Padre in school
Friday – Values-based
There are times when EYFS take part in assemblies and events, or have their own assembly.
Playtime is from 10:30 to 10:45
LSAs are on duty at playtime and provide a range of resources and activities for children.
We provide fresh fruit for children to eat at playtime subject to availability. EYFS children sometimes eat their fruit in the classroom as a social activity.
Our children take great pride and delight in playing together and show great co-operation and responsibility towards each other.
Lunchtime is from 12:00 to 13:00
LSAs are on duty and children from Nursery to Y6 eat together in the hall.
Children make a choice about who to sit with and some older children choose to sit with the younger ones to role-model good behaviour and eating habits.
Lunch is provided by the Mess and it is lovely!
School Finishes at 15:15
All children leave via the main entrance and are collected by parents from the main door.
Nursery / FS1 children leave at 13:00 or 15:10 depending on wraparound care arrangements.
Early Years Foundation Stage
IMPORTANT UPDATE – from September 2024 we will not be able to offer two-year-old or three-year-old provision (Nursery).
At Mount Pleasant School we currently have an Early Years Unit and a Foundation Stage Class.
The Early Years Unit caters for children between two and three years old and is available the month after their second birthday on a non-statutory, fee paying basis. Children will qualify for free provision in the term after their third birthday. This offer is currently two mornings a week (Tuesday & Thursday mornings).
The Foundation Stage Class is open to children between three and five and has a combination of N2, FS1 children and FS2 children (who are in their first year of full time schooling).
Both classes follow the EYFS Curriculum Guidance and work on the Key worker system, where children have a member of staff specially allocated to them. At the end of FS2, each child’s progress is assessed using the Foundation Stage Profile.
Places in EYU and FS1 are allocated depending on space available and you may have to wait for a space for sessions in EYU. Some afternoon Extended Day Care sessions are available for FS1 children, please check with the school to find out what morning/afternoon sessions are currently being offered.
What should my child wear for school?
We do not sell uniform in school. Please see our uniform webpage and to purchase uniform go to the County Schoolwear website: www.countyschoolwear.co.uk/mountpleasant
School uniform is worn by all pupils FS1 to Year 6, creating a school identity and sense of belonging. Children are to wear white polo shirts and grey skirts/ grey trousers. Jeans should not be worn and shoes should be appropriate for the inclement weather. KS1 and FS1 & 2 are required to use a book bag.
During the year the weather can be snowy, sunny, windy, wet or a combination of all four! If your child wears snow boots or wellies to school please ensure they also have their school shoes with them to change into. Also, on sunny days children should bring in a suitable sun hat and sun cream should be applied before school.
PE Kit. The children should have a change of clothes available for PE lessons consisting of plimsolls or trainers, T-shirt, shorts or preferably a jogging suit.
Swimming kit. Children should wear suitable swimming costumes. a full suit and not a two piece suit or swimming briefs, such as Speedos, and not the baggy shorts style of swimwear. All children with long hair are required to wear a swimming cap. It is also recommended that long hair is tied or plaited tightly in addition to wearing a swimming cap.
Please remember to label all your child’s belongings.
Valuables/Jewellery. Please do not send your child to school wearing jewellery. Jewellery and earrings especially should not be worn for PE lessons. The school cannot be held responsible for the loss/damage of children’s belongings unless they have been specifically asked to bring things in.
What should I do if my child is absent?
In the event of an illness parents should contact the school during the morning of the first day of absence. Parents should endeavour to make routine appointments outside of school hours, but we understand that this is not always possible, in which case, please inform the school in advance of the appointment.
Can we take leave during term time?
The regulations regarding term time pupil leave have recently changed. The former notional limit of 10 days that Head teachers could authorise for children to be absent from school for family holiday has been removed. There are now only two grounds for authorised leave: ‘exceptional circumstances’ (e.g. serious illness of a family member, bereavement) or Post Operational Leave of ten days. If parents need to arrange absence during term time for any reason they should put it in writing to the Head teacher using the forms provided by the school secretary. If leave is not agreed by the Head teacher, it will be recorded as unauthorised. Unlike in the UK, this will not incur a fine, as you are overseas. However, where attendance of children is considered to be irregular, potential disciplinary action may be taken.
Do the children go on educational visits?
Mount Pleasant School takes the opportunity to make the most of its unique location as part of the children’s education.
What if I need to talk to a member of staff?
We operate an open door policy and as such parents are welcome to come into school at anytime. Generally speaking, the start of the day is very busy and whilst teachers will be available, it may not be the best time for a detailed discussion. Where parents need to share key information that is relevant for the day ahead, this is appropriately shared on arrival in the morning. Otherwise parents are encouraged to make an after school appointment when there are fewer distractions and the matter can be discussed privately and in an unhurried manner.
Telephoning the school.
Where parents need to contact the school during the day they are welcome to telephone the school to provide information or make an appointment.
Keeping contact details up-to-date.
If for any reason your home, mobile or work number should change, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can ensure our contact details are always up-to-date. It is a requirement that the school holds a minimum of two contact phone numbers for children.
What after school activities are offered?
Clubs are offered on an entirely voluntary basis by staff from 3.05pm until 4:00pm usually on Thursdays at certain times during school terms, and occasionally lunchtimes.
How can I help my child at home?
By showing a keen interest at home in your child’s progress you will help him/her develop. Homework is set by the class teacher as an extension of class work and children should be reading and practising their spellings for a few minutes each night where possible.
At Mount Pleasant School we reward good behaviour and apply sanctions where behaviour is inappropriate. At all times all adults in school endeavour to model appropriate behaviour and good manners.
Class charters are fully discussed with the children and are reinforced by the reward systems operated in each class.
The pupils on the school council meet regularly to discuss various topics and raise any concerns they have.
We consider ourselves fortunate that bullying is not a common occurrence in our school. We take seriously and investigate any child perceived allegation. If cases of bullying are proven then sanctions will be applied according to the severity of the offence.
We don’t allow unkind or cruel behaviour in our school. But not all unkind behaviour is bullying. The key characteristics that turn unkindness into bullying are:
-that it is repeated and goes on over time;
– that it is deliberate and not accidental;
– that it involves the person doing the bullying in having some sort of power over the person experiencing the bullying.
Parents who are concerned that their child might be being bullied, or who suspect that their child may be the perpetrator of bullying, should contact their child’s class teacher immediately.
What is the National Curriculum?
The education your child will receive at Mount Pleasant School will be of the same high standard that you would expect from a school in England. The teachers are all UK Based MoD civilians (UKBCs) and are all experienced UK qualified teachers, dedicated to their tasks and sympathetic to the needs of Service children. MOD schools all follow the guidelines set out in the National Curriculum. All children will receive a broad education encompassing all the core and foundation subjects at a level appropriate to their age and development. As with other schools we place great emphasis on teaching children the basic skills they will need later in life. We recognise that children are individuals and teachers are sensitive to the fact that each child will develop at its own rate. We encourage each child to fulfil his or her potential and expect that everyone will do their best.
What assessments are there?
Teachers are continuously assessing progress and keeping a record to inform them of the next stage in all curriculum areas. In addition, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6 are assessed in accordance with statutory assessments which are reported to parents. In Y1 they undertake the Y1 Phonics screening check. In Y2 assessment is through using some standard assessment tests/tasks (SATS), while in Y6 the children undertake national test papers (SATS).
Other year groups are assessed by teachers and may undertake national optional tests, together with other school based assessments to support the teacher judgements made.
What if my child has special educational needs?
Where children have needs that can be met within the school’s resources, these are managed in the classroom environment and in full co-operation with parents. Where on-going needs prove/ become more significant, the school will follow the DCS SEN policy and involve outside agencies as required with the parents knowledge and agreement.
Please note because we are a very small and remote school we do not have ready access to support for children with Special Educational Needs or Medical Needs .
When a family wish to pursue a posting overseas, the special needs of their child should be declared to the DCS Overseas Education and Supportability Team (OEST) which provides professional information, advice and guidance for service personal and eligible MOD civilians regarding the education of their children in overseas locations.
This team coordinates the educational supportability assessment process for overseas postings, in respect of children with Special Educational Needs.
You can contact the OEST by emailing RC-DCS-HQ-OES@mod.gov.uk.
The MOD process for admission for children with SEN will be followed by Mount Pleasant School.
Our most recent Ofsted Inspection report can be viewed via the following website:
Secondary Education.
There is no secondary education provision at Mount Pleasant and parents of secondary aged children (Years 7 to 11) may wish their children to attend the Falkland Island Government Community School (FICS) in Stanley as weekly boarders or, elect to board them in the UK. Stanley Community School in general follows the English National Curriculum up to GCSE but has no sixth form provision and is not a boarding school but has a hostel for children to stay in.
We hope you have found the information useful, and that you and your family enjoy your time in this unique and wonderful location. Please feel free to contact the school if you have any further queries.