Early Years Foundation Stage

IMPORTANT UPDATE: From September 2024 we will not be able to offer two-year-old or three-year-old provision (Nursery).

Due to budget constraints and a civil service recruitment freeze from September 2024 Mount Pleasant Primary School will be running two classes.

  • A class of FS2, year 1 and year 2 children.
  • A class of KS2, year 3, year 4, year 5 and year 6 children.


Our current Early Years Provision:

Early Years:  When children turn two they are able to start their education in N1 in the Nursery class, with a qualified nursery practitioner. Unfortunately, this is not currently full time provision due to staffing. Two year olds are offered the chance to attend a number of sessions each week. The sessions we are able to offer will be discussed on application for a place. These sessions are subject to change and are reliant on having the appropriate staffing structure in place.

Foundation Stage 1 is for FS1/ N2 children (aged 3 at 31st of August but turning 4 during the year).

Children in FS1/ N2 are able to stay for lunch in school. Children in FS1 can attend the following sessions:

Mornings: Monday- Friday 8:45-11:45 or Monday – Friday 8:45-1300

Afternoons: Monday, Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday afternoons 1300-1500

Foundation Stage 2 is for children aged 4 at 31st August and is often termed ‘Reception Year’.

Foundation Stage 2 children who have reached compulsory school age attend 08:45 to 15:10

All N1 and N2 children are admitted to EYFS on a fee paying basis and children in the term after their third birthday are entitled to 15 hours free child care which is provided each morning between 0845 and 11.45


Early Years children/Foundation Stage 1 – please contact the school to obtain up-to-date session times.